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Korean Communications Manager, Part 1.

[Telecommunications in pictures]

Richard Hong, a resident of Yangsan, is a seasoned professional in the field of communications construction. With a remarkable career spanning 30 years, Richard has served as a communication technology engineer and site manager in Korea. Throughout his tenure, he has actively participated in diverse communications projects, specializing in both wired and wireless optical communication..
Richard Hong, a resident of Yangsan, is a seasoned
professional in the field of communications
construction. With a remarkable career spanning 30
years, Richard has served as a communication
technology engineer and site manager in Korea.
Throughout his tenure, he has actively participated in
diverse communications projects, specializing in both
wired and wireless optical communication. From
earlier pager systems to the latest advancements in
5G networks, Richard possesses comprehensive
knowledge and experience in various technologies.
Motivated by his dedication to the field and a desire to
share his insights with others, Richard has authored a
book focused on communications construction. This
book is intended for those who are unfamiliar with the
field, including teenagers, as well as individuals in
entirely different professions who seek to broaden
their understanding of communications. Drawing upon
his three decades of experience, Richard has
meticulously compiled and organized photographs and
documents from communications construction sites
where he has worked. With detailed explanations and
accompanying visuals, readers can gain a unique
perspective on the field.
Given the sensitive nature of public office
construction, Richard has taken great care to ensure
security and confidentiality. Certain photographs and
security documents containing important information
have intentionally been blurred or obscured. It is
important to note that this book does not delve into in-
depth technical knowledge. Instead, it presents
episodes and anecdotes from the communications
construction site, offering a light and engaging read
akin to a collection of essays.

Richard Hong dedicates this book to the
communications engineers who tirelessly contribute to
the establishment of technological infrastructure in
Korea. He extends his heartfelt consolation and
respect to those individuals who dedicate their efforts
and energy to the communications construction sites,
shaping the future of the field.

Richard Hong, Yangsan, June 2023.
About the author

Richard Hong

Since the age of 25, he has been working as a
communication technology engineer and field manager.
at a communications construction site for 30 years,
and is still working as a manager at a government-
level communication site.
Based on his experience and knowledge in the field of
wired and wireless optical communication, he is a
person who is constantly striving to contribute to the
field of communication construction in Korea, from
pagers to 5G.

㈜유페이퍼 대표 이병훈 | 316-86-00520 | 통신판매 2017-서울강남-00994 서울 강남구 학동로2길19, 2층 (논현동,세일빌딩) 02-577-6002 help@upaper.net 개인정보책임 : 이선희